Sep 12, 2023 11:26:49 AM

5 Essential Spring-Cleaning Tips for New Zealand Homeowners

Topics: Financial Health, Health and Wellbeing, Spring 1

As the cold winter days finally give way to warmer, sunnier Spring days, many New Zealand homeowners are eager to throw off the winter blues and give their homes a fresh spring start. Spring is the perfect time to revitalise living spaces and refresh gardens and outdoor areas. Here are 5 essential spring-cleaning tasks that will not only prepare your home for the warmer months ahead, but also help maintain your property’s value over time.


1. De-clutter and organise

To kickstart your spring-cleaning project, take a critical look at each room and identify those items you no longer use. Donate or sell what you don't need and organise the rest. Consider investing in storage solutions like shelves, bins, and hooks to keep things in order. A clutter-free environment not only looks better but also promotes a sense of calm and wellbeing.

2. Inspect and maintain

A proactive approach to home maintenance can save you a lot of trouble – and expense – further down the line. Inspect the exterior of your home, paying careful attention to areas like the roof, gutters, downpipes, and windows. Look for signs of wear and tear and address any issues promptly to help prevent costly repairs in the future.

3. Service and test

These small steps can make a big difference to your home’s safety and comfort. Check that your heat pump is in optimal condition, as an inefficient heat pump will use more energy and cost you more in power bills. Schedule a professional service to clean out filters and coils, and check that vents and ducts are clear of dust and debris. Test smoke alarms to ensure they’re working correctly, replace batteries if necessary, and if your home is fitted with older smoke alarms, consider upgrading to newer, more reliable devices.

4. Revamp and refresh

It’s a great time to give your outdoor spaces a facelift! Tidy and mow the garden, trim back overgrown shrubs, and plant colourful flowers. Clean and arrange outdoor furniture and prepare the BBQ for outdoor cooking by topping up the gas bottle and cleaning the grill. To help fight seasonal allergies, give your home's interior a deep clean. Steam-clean carpets and upholstery and dust in those hard-to-reach areas like the top of kitchen cabinets, rangehood, and light fittings.

5. Fight damp and mould

Damp and mould are a common issue in many New Zealand homes, caused by a build-up of moisture from everyday events like drying washing inside, steam from cooking, or hot showers. Good ventilation can help fight damp and mould, so as the warmer weather returns, open windows and doors and let in some fresh air. Dry washing outdoors if possible, wipe down the insides of windows to remove condensation, and clean any mould growth using a mould solution.

Spring-clean your finances

Spring is often seen as a season of renewal and transformation, and your home deserves the same attention. It’s also the ideal time to revisit your finances and make any necessary changes. For mortgage advice around restructuring your home loan or refinancing to access your equity, contact a Mortgage Express branded mortgage adviser.