How old is too old when it comes to a mortgage?

Apr 16, 2018 11:27:06 AM

Older home buyers entering the market for the first time appear to be growing in numbers in Australia and New Zealand, as a combination of rising rents and low interest rates makes buying property a more attractive proposition. But, how big a factor is age when it comes to lenders determining your lending ability? Read on to find out.

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Topics: Retirement, Mortgages, NZ Finance, Home Loan, reverse mortgage, Mortgage Debt

Buying and selling at the same time

Mar 21, 2018 9:48:45 AM

Timing is often a challenge when it comes to buying a new home and selling an existing one. In a perfect world, both transactions would happen simultaneously. In reality though, you could end up owning two properties while you sell your existing home. That’s where bridging finance comes in.

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Topics: Retirement, Mortgages, NZ Finance, Bridging Finance, Home Loan, reverse mortgage, Mortgage Debt

Retiring with mortgage debt

Mar 19, 2018 3:00:00 AM

An alarming number of New Zealanders will retire with mortgage debt, says credit rating business Credit Simple, indicating that a financially secure retirement is out of reach for many Kiwis. But it needn’t be. Planning ahead today goes a long way towards securing your retirement income stream tomorrow.

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Topics: Retirement, Mortgages, NZ Finance, Home Loan, reverse mortgage, Mortgage Debt

How to buy your home for less

Aug 22, 2016 8:00:00 AM

As a homeowner, paying off your mortgage before you retire is important. Once you hit retirement age, the last thing you want is to be saddled with debt or to have to continue working in order to pay off the balance of your mortgage. Here are some ways to help you reduce your total mortgage and help you buy your home for less.

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Topics: Retirement, Mortgages

When is the best time to organise for retirement?

Aug 19, 2016 8:00:00 AM

While retirement might seem years into the future when you’re in your 20s and 30s, it’s an important time for setting a plan place to save for your future. The earlier you start planning and preparing for retirement, the more likely you’ll have sufficient savings to comfortably retire. Working on a few fundamental principles can help build a solid base for managing your income and ultimately your wealth. To help you start planning for retirement, here are some things to consider.

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Topics: Retirement